SR Group announces partnership with Lubbers Logistics BV


After working together for a number of years, SR Group has entered into a formal partnership agreement with Lubbers to develop quality road transport services in Europe, which will benefit both existing and new customers.

SR Group AS and Lubbers Logistics BV are both international logistics companies specialising in the oil and gas industry. By formalising and strengthening our partnership, we aim to provide our existing and new customers access to an even more flexible and robust European road transport network. This new partnership will also boost efficiency and reduce costs, which is crucial given the current situation in the oil and gas industry. Cost-effective and flexible logistics solutions focusing on quality and dedicated service will still be the main focus for both companies.

Lubbers Logistic BV is headquartered in The Netherlands and also has bases in Denmark, the UK, Italy, Romania and Turkey. With more than 120 hauling vehicles and 290 semitrailers – all approved for the transport of dangerous goods and dimensioned for heavy goods – Lubbers is a major player in the European road transport sector.

SR Group, with nearly 250 employees and 150 transport units, has a firm grip on the Norwegian market, in addition to increasing international activity generated through the company’s offices in Stavanger, Bergen, Kristiansund, Alta and Oslo. By strengthening our partnership with Lubbers, we will have even better access to suitable facilities in Aberdeen and a strong network that covers all of Europe.

The companies have issued a joint press release on the agreement, which you can find: here

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