New air freight routes from Stavanger to Frankfurt and Doha


These new routes will give our customers access to fast connections to key destinations for business and industry in our region.

Lufthansa’s route to Houston will be operated by a Boeing 777 cargo machine, which has excellent cargo capacity. The flight goes directly from Houston to Stavanger and from Stavanger to Lufthansa’s main hub in Frankfurt. In addition to this direct connection to Houston, we also gain significant capacity to Frankfurt and on out into the world. The flights go on Saturdays and will significantly reduce the transit time to Frankfurt. Gods sent from Stavanger on Saturday could be available in large parts of the world at the start of the business day on Monday morning!

The Qatar Airways route to Stavanger starts on 3 November – and every Monday, an Airbus A330 cargo machine coming from Brussels to Stavanger Airport Sola will fly directly to Doha. The capacity is 64 tonnes, and the company started this shipping route primarily due to the oil and gas activity in the area. [DVX31] You can read more about the route here.

SR Group AS is a significant player in the air freight industry and we welcome these new additions. This will allow us to offer our customers strong air freight solutions directly from Stavanger Airport Sola without needing to go through Oslo Airport Gardermoen or any other larger airports in order to reach major international hubs.

[DVX32] If you would like to know more about our air freight services, please contact Espen Årnes – E-mail – Tel: +47 63 94 04 55


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