Covid-19 on "Sea-Cargo Express"


For any questions related to this, please contact us at SR Group and we will do our best to help you.

Information recieved from Sea-Cargo. 

There have unfortunately been an outbreak of Covid-19 onboard Sea-Cargos vessel “Sea Cargo Express”.
Sea Cargo have clear instructions for how this should be dealt with, and are currently making necessary arrangements which includes crew change, decontamination processes, liaison with the next ports of call etc.

“Sea Cargo Express” will be staying in Tananger for some days. This is due to the Covid outbreak and a new crew needs to be assembled. For now that means she will sail for Aberdeen the 30th of April from Tananger, AGW.

“Misida” from Rotterdam will be a bit late to Bergen since she has to wait for cargo from “Trans Carrier”. Currently she gives ETA Bergen 09:30 tomorrow.

Rest of the vessels are on schedule.We would like to thank you for your continued support, and hope you will stay safe.


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