Diesel surcharge and BAF
På grunn av store svingninger i markedet blir drivstofftillegget justert kvartalsvis. Vårt dieseltillegg endres basert på SSB’s kostnadsindeks for lastebiltransport – Drivstoffindeksen. Link til indeksen finner du her. BAF/SECA baseres på rederienes satser og justeres i takt med disse.
General terms and conditions of transport
Our general terms and conditions are set annually and apply unless otherwise agreed in writing.
NSAB 2015
SR Group AS has acceded to the joint provisions of the Nordic Freight Forwarders' association as a provider of transport and uses these in those cases where we do not carry out the transport ourselves where other regulatory provisions will apply. NSAB 2015 also covers storage.
Link: NSAB 2015